A matter of perception

The gradual vs. sudden debate.

Is it about effort or effortlessness?

Can delusion and wisdom coexist?

Do I have to be aware, as in pay attention, or is it a matter of remembering…I’m already aware?


Learning to reside in being

During the spring I attended a course with Loch Kelly on what he calls “awake awareness.” I met Loch during a retreat last year with Mingyur Rinpoche, when he mentioned the course to me. In truth, I wasn’t terrifically open at the time.



The point is to look at meditation as awakenedness and awareness throughout daily life in whatever way we live and in whatever conditions…Be that which allows things to be what they are.


Knowing, awaring, seeing through

Shwedagon Pagoda seen from Bojoke Park

Where to start? Six weeks on retreat, some insight to share perhaps. Hard to organize the thoughts around them. Experience is experience, wisdom is wisdom; but when it’s not actually happening, it becomes something else. A memory, knowledge informed by conditioning, assumptions…the momentum of our ordinary perception starts to creep back in if we aren’t vigilant with awareness. If we take the practice into our daily lives, however, then there is the opportunity for the momentum of awareness to continue to strengthen and for wisdom to grow incrementally.
